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FAQs - Members and Admins in Spond Club

How to manage members and admins in Spond's club management solution - Spond Club

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FAQs - Members and Admins in Spond Club

FAQs - Members and Admins in Spond Club

How do I manage permissions for roles in Spond Club?

  • When you create a role in Spond Club, you can control what users allocated to that role are allowed to see and do.

  • When you add new club admins you can choose what role they should have.

  • All admins can view Members, Groups and Settings.

  • If you have permission to manage settings, you will automatically receive all the other permissions as well.

  • When you create a custom member field, you can set which club roles should be permitted to view and manage it.

What are the roles for group admins in Spond Club?

  • All members in a group with one or more roles are considered a Group Admin, regardless of their role designation or access rights.

  • The access rights you apply to a role in Spond Club will affect what the group admin can do within their group in the Spond app.

  • We recommend that you think about these roles and consult with your coaches and admins if you are unsure what access rights the different roles require

  • You can change the access rights and privileges whenever you want.

What happens if I delete a member in Spond Club?

If you delete a member in Spond Club, they will be removed from the club and any groups you have imported into Spond Club of which they were a member. They will no longer be able to access these groups from the Spond app, although their personal Spond profile and membership of other groups, including those not uploaded into Spond Club and in different clubs, won’t be affected.

In Spond Club can I manage the visibility of member contact information in groups?

Under Group Settings in the Spond Club menu you can set Contact Information visibility in groups.

This means you can decided whether members should be able to see the contact information of other members, or not. A parent/guardian or member can still choose to hide their contact information, even if you have set it to visible.

How do I approve new members in Spond Club?

To approve members, you can go to Members and Signups.

Here you'll find the list of all recent registrations. If necessary, you can use this list as a waiting list and see the date and time of enrollment.

  • You can use the filtering feature to filter your way to the desired signup if you need to.

  • By selecting all members you can accept or reject them in bulk.

  • You can also go to each member and approve, edit and approve or reject.

  • Editing and approving is typically something you do if the member has not chosen which group to join.

  • When a member is approved, they will receive an email that you set when creating the form.

  • If the member is rejected, you must manually notify the member.

How do I change member types when importing groups into Spond Club?

When importing a Spond group, the member type is set to the first in the list of member types. If this is incorrect, you can fix it as follows:

  • After the group is imported and the members approved, go to the member list and filter on the relevant group.

  • Tick all members who should have a different member type (or select the Select all checkbox at the very top of the list)

  • Click Edit

  • Then you will see an Excel-style overview and can edit the members types of all users.

How do I deal with duplicate members in Spond?

Spond will flag a duplicate notification when members are classed as 'Unprocessed'. If you approve the duplicates here and do not merge them with their existing member profile, you will get duplicates in the club membership list.

To remove these duplicates, you must make sure that email and phone number are the same on all duplicates. Children cannot have their parent or guardian's email/phone information, so they need with their own unique email/phone info.

Duplicates should be merged, not deleted. If you delete one of the member profiles, the group loses all history of that person, whereas if they are merged this is retained.

  1. Club admins can merge duplicates when people are in 'Unprocessed'.

  2. Customer support can merge those who have unpaid payment requests, who are exempt or who are without payment requests.

  3. If both of the duplicates have unpaid payment requests, our technical support must merge the duplicates for you. Contact us.

How do I use the bulk edit feature to add or remove members in bulk using Spond Club?

To make it more efficient to add or remove multiple members from the same group at once, we've added a bulk edit feature|:

  • You can select the members under Active members and add them to a group


  • Use the 'Remove from group' button to remove multiple members at one time.

This can save you time if, for example, half of the group members need to be transferred to another group or sub-group.

Will members removed from a Spond group also be removed from Spond Club?

No, a member will still be a member in Spond Club and any other group. They are only removed in the particular group. If they are only a member of one group within your club, then they will be removed from Spond Club also.

How can I transfer my Spond app group fields to membership fields in Spond Club?

This is not possible. The Spond app group fields and the membership fields in Spond Club aren’t connected.

Will existing members be affected when I import groups to Spond Club?

When importing Spond groups to Spond Club, ordinary members will not notice anything when using Spond, but group admins might see their access rights changed, depending on what their new roles have been set to. See more under Roles.

What happens after new members have signed up?

Managing your members in Spond Club is simple. Here's just a few things you can do:

  • In the list of registered users, you can filter by product, additional product, group affiliation for existing members, etc.

    • This makes it easy to put the registered people into groups, for example based on product. You can create the groups in advance and these will be available in the Spond app as usual.

  • You can remove an individual member if necessary.

  • You can designate registered users as members if they are not already members of the club. You can then add the new members to groups.

  • You can also add people to groups even if they are not members of the club, for example by creating a different membership type. Then it will be easy to distinguish between only registered and ordinary club members.

  • You can send a message to all registered users, whether they are existing club members or not. The message is sent to the Spond app if the person concerned is already a club member, or as an email in other cases.

How do I export members from Spond Club?

  • To export members you can go to 'Members' in the menu.

  • Then either select all your members by clicking on the square next to first name, or you can use the filter function at the top left to filter down to a smaller target group.

  • When you select the members you want to export, an 'Export' button will appear.

  • When you press 'Export', all the info that you have stored on the selected members will be included in the Excel sheet.

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