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Spond Club: Setting up Installment Payments

How to split payment requests into multiple installments in Spond's club management solution - Spond Club.

Hanne Green avatar
Written by Hanne Green
Updated this week

Give your members the opportunity to split a payment into monthly installments. This feature is really useful, for example, if you have members who can't pay annual membership fees all in one go, or if your members have financial challenges that make it hard for them pay everything at the start of the season.

NOTE: A member needs to have a Spond profile to be able to pay in instalments. This feature is not available for anyone not using the Spond App.

You can choose between sending out a one-time payment, instalment payment or flexible payment.

One-Time Payment

This is a standard one-off payment request, with no installment options.

Installment Payment

With Installment Payments, your members will automatically be charged every month, for as many months as you select in the settings for the payment request.

The price will be divided into equal monthly charges. For example: If you send out a payment claiming £100 and set the number of instalments to 4, the members will be charged £25 for 4 months.

Flexible Payment

With flexible payments, the members can choose themselves whether to pay all in one go or to split it into monthly payments, which will be processed automatically.

If the members choose to split the payments, it will be split into as many instalments/months as you have stated in the settings in the payment request.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change the payment type after creating the payment request?

No, after creating the payment request, the payment type cannot be changed, even if you go back to edit it. However, it can be changed individually by clicking on the member’s name under payment recipients and selecting "Edit" next to active claims.

How are installment payments calculated and what are the obligations?

With installments and flexible installments, the price is divided into equal monthly charges. For example, if you send out a payment request for £100 and set the number of installments to 4, members will be charged £25 per month for 4 months. Recipients are obligated to fulfill their payment obligations according to the installment plan you’ve configured.

How are subsequent payments processed and scheduled?

Following the initial installment, subsequent payments will be automatically debited using the same payment method. The schedule for these automatic debits is established based on the date of the first installment. Members can view their remaining installments and update their payment method via the 'Payments' section in the Spond App.

How can admins and members track installment payments and address payment failures?

The club admin can monitor the status of remaining installments through the payment request in Spond Club. In the event of a payment failure, members will receive automatic notifications. If the payment continues to remain unresolved, the club administrator must manually reach out to the affected member.

What are the requirements for members to use the installment payment feature?

A member needs to have a Spond profile to pay in installments. This feature is not available for anyone not using the Spond App.

What happens in the case of a failed payment?

If a payment fails, members will receive automatic notifications. It is then the responsibility of the member to resolve the issue. If the payment continues to remain unresolved, the club administrator must manually reach out to the affected member to address the issue.

What deadlines do I need to set for installment payments?

When setting up installment or flexible payment requests, you need to specify the deadline for the first installment and the total number of installments. The maximum number of installments you can set is 12, which includes the first payment and 11 subsequent installments.

🇳🇴 NOTE: For Norwegian clubs connected to the Norwegian Sports Association (NIF), the club membership fee can only be a one-time payment. However, training fees can be made with instalments or flexible for member to choose.

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