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All CollectionsForms (Courses & Academies)
How to create a course/academy
How to create a course/academy
Updated over a week ago

This article will explain how to create a registration form. You will receive a step-by-step guide covering everything from creating the form to customizing fields and settings, so you can easily manage registrations for courses and academies.

How to Create a Registration Form

  1. Navigate to "Booking forms" in the menu.

  2. Click "New Form" in the top right corner.

  3. Enter basic information: Provide essential details about the course or activity, including title, description, and date. You can choose the start and end date for the course or activity, as well as set a registration deadline. This ensures that registrations can only be made within the specified timeframe.

  4. Set the course contact person. This information will appear on the registration form so that people can contact them with questions.

  5. Select a club account. Registration fees will be paid to this account. You still need to choose an account, even if the course is free.

  6. Availability: This form can either be publicly available through the course list or only accessible via the sharing link. If you set the form to "Not available," it will be inaccessible to everyone, including those who have already received an invitation.


Manage products

Add one or more products for your course. Specify the price if you want members to pay for registration, the number of spots available for the course, and you can also set up a recurring charge.

A registration always applies to one main product. A person can make multiple registrations in the same order, either for the same person or for several people. The main product could be, for example, a course participation such as 'Summer Camp 2024'. You can also set up optional products that can be ordered as add-ons, such as 'Late Pickup' or 'Player Jersey'.

- Main Products: You can set up a single product or add multiple options for products, where the price may vary based on how many options you choose.

- Optional Products: If you want to specify a relationship to a particular main product, you can specify this in the name of the product option, for example, 'Late Pickup (Monday)'.

External registrations

Manage external registrations

You can choose to allow external individuals who are not club members to register. They will be asked to provide information such as name, contact details, address, etc., so you can easily create club members at a later time if applicable.

Allow registration from external individuals.

"Member fields" are only available for non-members who register for the course. This ensures that you have all the necessary information from the participant if you wish to create a club member later. By default, members will be asked for the following member fields: name, email, phone number, address, date of birth, registration date, gender, and guardian.

Form fields

Manage field

You can also add custom fields that will apply specifically to this registration form. These fields will only be part of the registration itself. Choose the field name, the type of field (dropdown menu, checkbox, text line), and whether the field should be required or optional. When processing each registration, you can choose to copy all information to the member fields.

When registering, you can choose whether the member should agree to the club's terms and privacy policy. By requiring consent, you must provide a link to a document or the club's website. Make sure that the website or link you provide contains sufficient explanation of why you are requesting this consent.

The same applies to photo consent.

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