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Create a Registration/Sign-Up Form in Spond Club
Create a Registration/Sign-Up Form in Spond Club
Updated today

Setting up a registration form in Spond Club allows you to streamline the process of onboarding new members. With customisable fields, automatic approvals, and flexible options for both self-registration and guardian registration, you can ensure a smooth sign-up process for your club. This guide walks you through the steps to create, customise, and manage a club registration form, making it easier to manage new members and ensure important information is collected during sign-up.

To create a registration/sign-up form in Spond Club, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Spond Club

  2. Click "Club registration forms" from the menu on the left-hand side

  3. Click the “Create New” button in the top right corner

Customise the Content

  1. Title: Provide a clear, descriptive title for the form.

  2. Description: Add a short description about the club and explain the purpose of the form.

  3. Registration Date: Specify the date when registration opens. Note that members with renewal or personal links can sign up before this date.

  4. Select who should be able to register a new member?

    1. Only self sign-up. This is recommended if the club is only for adults

    2. Guardians can sign up a child. This is recommended if the club is only for children

    3. Both self sign-up and signing up a child

  5. Member Types
    Choose which member types can be selected during registration. These types are predefined in Club Settings → Member Type. If only one member type is selected, it will be automatically assigned without being shown to the registrant.

    Depending on the member type, you can specify whether members can choose from predefined groups or teams during registration. This can be set by selecting either Allow Group Selection or No Group Selection.

    ⚠️ NOTE!
    To link a payment request to a registration form, you must first create a payment request that includes a segment with either the groups or the membership type selected in the form.

    Groups and subgroups
    ​If you want new members to select which group or subgroup they’d like to join, specify the available options. You can also check "Make Subgroup Selection Mandatory" to ensure proper placement.

    Show groups’ capacity to registrants” allows potential members to see how many available spots are in the group before they join.

    When creating a group in Spond Club, you have the option to set a specific “capacity” for the group. This means you can define the maximum number of members allowed in the group. The capacity is set directly when the group is created, giving you full control over how many members can join.

    ⚠️ NOTE!

    Club administrators can still add members to a group even if it has reached capacity, but they will receive a warning indicating that the limit has been exceeded.

  6. Automatic Approval and Payment Requests

    Choose whether members should be approved automatically or if each application should be reviewed and approved manually. By selecting Automatic approval, you can decide how new memberships in the club should be handled.

    You have two options for membership approval:

    • Automatically approve new memberships

    • Automatically approve new memberships after payment

    ⚠️ NOTE! To link a payment request to a registration form, you must first create a payment request that includes a segment with either the groups or the membership type selected in the form.

  7. Default member fields/Member fields
    ​By default, Spond Club provides a set of standard membership fields to ensure all necessary information is collected during registration. These fields include:

    1. Name: The full name of the member being registered.

    2. Email: A valid email address for communication and login purposes.

    3. Phone Number: The member's contact number for updates and notifications.

    4. Address: The full postal address, which can be used for billing or other club-related correspondence.

    5. Date of Birth: This is important for age-specific membership types, event participation, or competition categories.

    6. Member Type: Predefined in Club Settings, this field allows members to choose the type of membership they are applying for (e.g., junior, senior, coach).

    7. Registration Date: The date on which the member completes the registration process.

    8. Gender: This field is used for membership categorisation or participation in gender-specific activities or teams.

    9. Guardians: For youth members, this field captures information about one or more guardians, including their contact details, to manage communication and payment on behalf of the member.

      Both members and guardians can be given the ability to edit these standard fields when necessary:
      - Date of birth
      - Guardians
      - Nationality
      - Country
      - Address
      - Gender

      This is useful if contact details change, or if additional information needs to be updated at a later date. The club administrator can configure which of these fields can be modified by the member or guardian, ensuring control over what information can be edited.

  8. Field name/Custom member fields
    You have already created these fields under “Settings” and “Member FieldsLearn more about how to create custom membership fields.

  9. Additional Fields
    In addition to standard and custom membership fields, you can also add Additional Fields when creating a form. These fields are unique to each form and are not permanently stored in the member’s profile; they only exist during the registration process.

    Additional fields are ideal for collecting temporary or form-specific information, such as special dietary requirements or temporary contact details.

    Enter the field name and use the dropdown menu to select the field format for the additional field (Single-line field, Multi-line field, Dropdown list, Checkboxes, Date field).

    Then, specify whether the field should be optional or required. This ensures you collect critical information while allowing flexibility for fields that may not apply to every member.

  10. Terms and Consent
    Choose whether to request approval for the club's terms and privacy policy. A link to the document or website explaining these terms must be provided.

    Photo Consent: Similar options are available for photo consent during registration.

Member Notification

After creating the registration form, you can customise the emails sent to members during the sign-up process.

  1. Confirmation Email
    In this section, you can personalise the email that is automatically sent when a registration is submitted. This email confirms that the form has been received and informs the member whether their application is being processed or placed on a waiting list. You can include a welcome message, next steps, and any key information members need to know.

  2. Notification of Approved Sign-Ups
    This option lets you customise the email sent when a registration is approved. It’s a formal confirmation welcoming the member to the club. You can provide information about their membership, upcoming events, and relevant resources or documents.

Automatic Email Confirmation
Even if you don’t customise these emails, Spond will still send an automatic confirmation once the registration form is submitted, ensuring members are notified.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I choose different types of member registration options?

Yes, you can allow self-registration, guardians registering children, or both. This flexibility ensures the form is suitable for your club's needs.

Can I automatically approve new registrations?

Yes, you can set the form to automatically approve new sign-ups, either immediately or after the member has completed the payment.

How do I add custom fields to the registration form?

Custom fields can be created in Club Settings > Membership Fields. You can also add additional fields for the registration form that aren’t stored permanently but can be copied over during processing.

What information do members need to provide in the form?

By default, members must provide basic information like name, email, phone number, and address. You can customise this further with additional required or optional fields.

Can I add a consent request for terms and privacy during registration?

Yes, you can request members to approve the club’s terms and privacy policy by providing a link to the relevant document. The same applies for requesting photo consent.

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