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Course overview
Updated over a week ago

When you open a registration form for a course or an academy, you get a complete overview of all relevant information, including the course title, the option to send a link, view the form, and invite members. You will also see five menu options: "Summary," "Settings," "Registrations," "Registrations without Membership," and "Cancelled Registrations."

In this article, we review these menu options and explain what you can do and what information you can find under each category.

Menu selection


Manage summary

"Summary" provides you with a general overview of the course. Here, you can find information about paid amounts, the number of active registrations, the number of cancellations, and amounts that have been refunded.

Further down the page, you will see the main products and optional products included in the registration, along with details such as price, number of registrations, remaining available spots, and the total amount paid.


Manage settings

Under "Settings," you will find all the details about the course or academy. Here, you can view the course description, start and end dates, as well as all other relevant information related to the registration. You also have the option to edit the registration form by clicking "Edit" on the right side.

Further down the page, you will see if "registrations for external participants" are allowed. This can also be edited by clicking "Edit" on the right side.

At the bottom, you'll find "form fields," which are only part of the registration itself. When processing a registration, you can choose to copy all the information to the membership fields. These can also be edited by clicking "Edit" on the right side.


Manage registrations

"Registrations" gives you an overview of all registered participants. Here, you can filter and add columns to get a more detailed view of participant information. From this page, you can also cancel a booking for a member by clicking on the three dots on the far right.

If you click on a registered participant, you will see their booking details.

With "Add a registration," you can manually register participants for a course. This option can be used for participants who are exempt from payment or to assist participants who were unable to register themselves.

Choose whether to select someone from the membership list or add an external participant. If you select a participant from the member list, the fields will automatically populate with information from the member's profile.

Registrations without membership

Manage participants without membership

Here, you'll find a list of registered participants who are not club members. To add these participants to a group, you'll need to create memberships for them first. Click on a participant from the list to see the options for setting up their membership.

If you want to differentiate between course registrations and regular club members, you could create a separate membership type called "Course." You can also bulk-approve registrations by selecting all participants at once. This makes it easier to approve multiple registrations in a single operation.

Cancelled registrations

Manage cancelled registrations

"Canceled registrations" provides an overview of participants who have canceled their bookings. By clicking on a participant in this list, you can choose to refund the paid amount.

When you issue a refund, you can choose to make a partial refund or refund the entire booking. This gives you the flexibility to adjust the refund based on specific situations or agreements. Learn more about refunds here

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