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Updated over 3 months ago

How do I change my name in my Spond profile?

The name you enter in your Spond profile should be your own name. If you are a guardian for someone in a group, the name of the person you are a guardian for will be added to the group by the admin.

How to add/change your name


  1. Open the app

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Profile and account

  4. Select your name

  5. Change your first and/or last name

  6. Save

Web version:

  1. Log in to your Spond profile here

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Profile

  4. Change first name and/or surname

  5. Select save at the bottom of the page

How do I change birth month and year?

When registering a Spond profile, you select a birth month and year. You can change this but not delete it. When you join a group, your month and year of birth will be transferred to you as a member of the group. If you change your month and year of birth in your profile after joining a group, your date of birth in the group won't be changed.

If you would still like to delete the selected birth month in your profile, please contact our customer support team.

How to change your birth month and year


  1. Open the app

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Profile and account

  4. Month and year of birth

  5. Select month and date

  6. Select save in the top right corner

Web version:

  1. Log in to your Spond profile here

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Profile

  4. under Month and year of birth select the required month and year.

  5. Select save at the bottom of the page

How do I change my profile picture?

You can add a profile picture to your Spond profile. When you join a group, your profile picture is added to the group. The maximum file size for a profile picture is 100 MB.

How to add, change, or delete your profile picture

iPhone (iOS):

  1. Open the app

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Select your initials (applies if you don't already have a profile picture) or Select the camera icon 📷 in the top right corner of your profile picture

  4. Choose between take image, select existing image or delete image


  1. Open the app

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Select add photo (applies if you don't already have a profile picture) or Select the camera icon 📷 in the bottom right corner of your profile picture

  4. Select a photo from the gallery or take a new photo, if you already have a profile picture, you'll also be able to delete this.

Web version:

  1. Log in to your Spond profile here

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Profile

  4. To the right you'll find a blank square and the add profile picture button, select this

  5. Select an image from your computer

How do I add phone numbers and/or email addresses?

You can add your phone number to your Spond profile, as well as add multiple email addresses. For example, if you are a member of a group via your work email and your private email. Then all groups are gathered in one place.

If you've two or more email addresses, you can choose which one you want as your primary email address. The primary email address is used as the sender when we send you invitations by email. It's also used to send you information from Spond.

⚠️ NOTE: If you merge two existing Spond profiles, it won't be possible to restore information (Groups, events and other information) from user profile 1 if you later wish to separate these two profiles again. If you want two separate profiles, you must create a new profile for profile 1. Read more here about how to create a Spond profile.

How to change your primary email address


  1. Open the app

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Contact information

  4. Under other email addresses , select the email address you want as primary.

  5. Select as primary email

  6. You've now changed your primary email address

Web version:

  1. Log in to your Spond profile here

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Profile

  4. Under email select set as primary on the email you want as your primary email address

  5. You've now changed your primary email address

How to add your primary email address


  1. Open the app and Select your profile picture

  2. Contact information

  3. Under primary email address press change

  4. Add new email

  5. Enter your email address and press save

  6. You'll be sent an email to verify that the email address should be linked to your Spond profile

  7. Open the email, select verify email

  8. Restart/close the app

  9. Select your profile picture

  10. Contact information

  11. Select the email under other email addresses that you want as primary, press select as primary email

Web version:

  1. Log in to your Spond profile here

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Profile

  4. Under email select + add email address and enter your email address

  5. Then select + re-add email address

  6. You'll be sent an email to verify that the email address should be linked to your Spond profile.

  7. Open the email, select verify email

  8. Refresh the Spond page in your browser

  9. Select set as primary next to the email address you want as primary

How to add other email addresses


  1. Open the app

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Contact information

  4. Under other email addresses press + add email address

  5. Enter the email address and press save

  6. You'll be sent an email to verify that the email address should be linked to your Spond profile

  7. Open the email, Select verify email

Web version:

  1. Log in to your Spond profile here

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Profile

  4. Under email select + add email address and enter your email address

  5. Then select + add email address again

  6. You'll be sent an email to verify that the email address should be linked to your Spond profile.

  7. Open the email, Select verify email

How to remove other email addresses

  1. Open the app

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Contact information

  4. Tap on the email address under Other Emails

  5. Remove


  1. Log in to your Spond profile here

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Profile

  4. Under email, Click the cross (X) next to the secondary email address

  5. Save

How to add a phone number


  1. Open the app

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Contact information

  4. Add phone number

  5. Enter your number, if necessary Select the country code and select the correct country code.

  6. Select verify

  7. You've now received a verification code by SMS, enter this and press next

Web version:

  1. Log in to your Spond profile here

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Profile

  4. Under phone number enter your number

  5. Select verify

  6. You'll then see a window with a field where you enter the code (six digits) you've now received by SMS

  7. Select confirm

How to delete your phone number


  1. Open the app

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Contact information

  4. Select the phone number and select delete phone number

  5. Remove

Web version:

  1. Log in to your Spond profile here

  2. Select your profile picture

  3. Profile

  4. Under phone number, select X next to your phone number

  5. Delete


Is it possible for multiple people to register with the same mobile number/email address?

No, it is not possible to register multiple users with the same phone number or email address, as these are used for login and identification. Each person must have unique contact details if they are added to the group with this information.

What happens if I have an unverified email address on my profile?

If the email address in your Spond profile is not verified, this can lead to the system creating a split profile. If a Spond Club registers you with the same email address as in your profile, but the email is unverified, two separate profiles may be created: one with a phone number and an unverified email, and another profile linked only to the email address.

This can cause issues, such as payments or other information from the club not appearing in your app, as they are linked to the other profile. To avoid such problems and ensure everything works as intended, you should verify the email address in your Spond profile. Refer to points 6–7 in the section How to Add Other Email Addresses earlier in the article.

Wherefore is my name different in the group than in my Spond profile?

The admin of a group can change the name displayed in the member list. This name will appear in the group context and invitations in connection with the group in question. The reason for this is that admins should be able to organise their groups as they wish and not be confused by group members using nicknames etc. that he/she does not recognise.

If you want a different name to appear in the relevant group, contact the group's admin and ask him/her to update it.

Can others in the group I'm in see my date of birth?

When you join a group, your birth month and year will be transferred to you as a member of the group. Only group admins with member editing rights can see your date of birth.

Can I only register phone numbers to my Spond profile?

No, unfortunately this is not possible. You can have your phone number and email registered or only your email address.

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