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SMS and email notifications
Updated over 7 months ago

When you join a group, you can be notified about everything from events, posts, polls, messages and so on. You can be notified via push notification in the app, by email or SMS. The different types of notification methods require certain criteria, which you can read about in this article when it comes to SMS and email notifications.

How do SMS notifications work?

For those of you who have only registered your Spond profile with a phone number: If you log out of the app and have only registered your phone number, an SMS will be sent to you every time something happens in the group or if you receive a message via Spond.

From experience, many people find this somewhat tiresome. We therefore recommend that if you want to switch off SMS notifications, you can either log back into the app or register an email address in addition to your phone number.

⚠️ NOTE!
It's no longer possible to register with only a phone number when creating a new Spond profile. An email address is now required.

How do email notifications work?

You can use Spond without having the Spond app. If you sign up with an email and do not download the app, notifications will be sent to your email and you can reply from here.

How to turn off email notifications

At the bottom of the notification email you'll see a text that says: "Would you like to unsubscribe from future notifications? Klick here"

Select the blue text and follow the instructions to stop future notifications.

​How to reply to email notifications

You can reply to notifications via email, such as posts, event invitations, payment requests, polls, and more. However, please note that this only applies when you are on a computer. Click on the link that takes you to the action you want to take, such as the "Go to payment" button or "Comment on this post here," and follow the instructions.

If you receive a direct message from a member or a coach, you will need to either download the app or log in to your Spond profile here, where you will also have a better overview of all your groups.

Frequently asked questions

Email notifications

I have unsubscribed from email notifications but still want to receive them, how do I sign up again?

If you would still like to receive notifications by email, please contact us and we will organize this for you

Why am I not receiving email notifications?

If you do not receive email notifications, you may want to check your junk mailbox/spam filter. Some email services register emails from Spond as advertising. If the email is not in your spam inbox, there may be a block in our email platform. In these cases, please contact our customer support.

I get notifications as both push and email notifications. How can I arrange to only receive notifications on my phone?

Make sure you are actually logged in to the app, as email notifications start as soon as you log out. If you are already logged in, log out and log in again

SMS notifications

Can I create a Spond profile using only a phone number?

No, unfortunately this is not possible. You can have your phone number and email registered or only your email address.

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