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Creating a Payment Request in Spond Club
Creating a Payment Request in Spond Club
Updated over a week ago

To create a payment request, go to "Finance""Payment Requests" and click on Add Payment Request in the upper right corner.

Club Account

The account you set up as the Club Account in a payment request is the account where the collected money will be paid out. If no account is already set up, you must go to Club Settings and then Club Accounts to set this up first.


Indicate whether the payment request should be a one-time payment, installment payment, or flexible - allowing recipients to choose to pay everything in full or in equal monthly installments. You can read more about payment types here.

Payment Deadline and End Date

Payment Deadline: This is the number of days the member has to pay from when the payment was sent to the member. If a member is added at a later point, they will still have the same number of days to pay.

End Date: This has nothing to do with the due date. After the end date, you will no longer be asked to add new members who meet the criteria you have set. Therefore, it's wise to set the end date to the last day of the year or season.

Family Discount

You have two different discount structures available in the dropdown menu under "discount." Either based on percentage or maximum price. This must be activated for members to receive the family discount.

  • Maximum Total Price: This is activated when one or more people exceed the total amount for the payment. For example, if the maximum price is set to 800 NOK, a family will never pay more than this, regardless of how many family members they are.

  • Percentage: Starting from the second family member, a percentage discount is given when all pay together. The member with the highest amount pays full price.

⚠️ Note! The discount does not apply to individual payments when joining. All members must have the same payment contact and pay together at the same time for the discount to apply.

In Spond, we consider everyone with the same payment contact as family. This means that you can send to family members at the same time as to other members - the discount will only apply to the one who is the payment contact for several members. You can still give family members different prices based on group affiliation or member type, even if they are added to the same payment request.

If you only have a discount on the training fee or membership fee, you cannot send these two out at the same time, as the discount will apply to all products in the dispatch. If you have different discount types on the two, they also cannot be sent together.

Reporting of Payment to NIF(🇳🇴 Norway only)

If your club or organization is under the Norwegian Sports Federation and you have an integration with them, you will see "Reporting of Payment to NIF" - here you tick if the payment includes a membership fee and/or training fee. It is especially important to tick for membership fees, as this affects the number of paying members in the annual sports registration.

→ Click "Next" (nothing will be sent out yet) - in the next step, you will go to "payment segments" where you enter the price and select recipients.

Payment Segments

Here you can choose to base the price on member type and/or groups or subgroups. The price you enter for a segment will be the price members who "match" the segment will be asked to pay.

Usually, training fees are sent based on groups and membership fees based on member type, but this is entirely up to the club/organization. You can select all member types or groups at once and still give them different prices.

How to Add a Segment

  1. Click on Add Payment Segments

  2. Choose between member type, group, or subgroup

  3. Tick the member types, groups, or subgroups you want to send payment to

  4. Under Product, write what the invoice is for, e.g., membership fee

  5. Under Price, enter the price that members should pay (all who match this segment will pay the same price)

  6. When you have completed the payment setup, you can choose which members you want to send the requests to, based on the segments you selected in this window.

⚠️ Note!

  • When you send based on a group or subgroup, group administrators will not receive any payment request unless they are also added as members of the group.

  • If you are sending out both training fees and membership fees in the same payment, you must go to the top right and do it again. If you only use "add additional product," you will not be able to exempt a member from only the membership fee or training fee.

For clubs integrated with NIF (🇳🇴 Norway only)- remember to tick what is a membership fee and what is a training fee. After this, you can add any additional products. You can also set these as optional.

Finish by clicking "Create" - the payment request will still not be sent out.

Sending Out the Payment to Members

In the next step, you can choose which members you want to send the requests to - based on the segments you selected in the previous step. You can find all who qualify for this payment (based on the payment segment) by clicking "process" at the top of the page.

You will then get a list of all recipients. Here you can use the filtering function to find those who need to be adjusted or search by name.

Note! Adjustments will not be saved, so do this in the same operation as the actual dispatch.

If a member qualifies for multiple segments, for example, if they are in several groups, they will receive payment for both groups unless you adjust the request before sending it out.

When you have found those you want to adjust, you can either change the date, change the price, or exempt them. Here you can exempt those who are in multiple groups if they should only pay for one of them. To exempt, remove the checkmark next to the product.

⚠️ Note: Once a payment has been sent out, it cannot be deleted but only exempted if the member should not pay after all. This can only be done for one member at a time.

Once you have made the individual adjustments, you can mark all members you want to send payment to and click "send." If there are any members on this list that you do not want to invoice, simply leave the checkbox in front of the member's name unchecked, and they will not receive a payment.

Members who have the app will receive the payment directly in the app. Those who do not use the app will receive it by email. If you want members to receive the payment in the app, they must also be added to a group. Otherwise, they will receive the payment request via email.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change the contact email when creating and afterward in a payment request?

No, this cannot be changed during creation or afterward. There is no field for this, as it is automatically linked to the administrator who creates the request. This is currently a deliberate design decision, not an error. If you want to change it afterward, contact Spond support as our technical team can change this.

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