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Import app groups to Spond Club
Import app groups to Spond Club
Updated over a week ago

If you have recently started using Spond Club, but some of the teams within your club already have existing groups in the app, you can import these groups into your Club solution. Once the process is complete, the group and its members will appear in Spond Club. From that point on, overall administration, such as group settings and group administrator settings, will only be managed by club administrators in the Club.

When a group is fully imported, you will find all your members under "Pending," where you must approve them for them to appear in your membership list under active members. If you get duplicate members in Pending Members after importing the group, it is important that you merge them rather than delete them. Deleting will result in them losing access to the group. By merging them, access to the group is retained.

How to Import a Group to Spond Club?

Go to "Departments and Groups" → Import Group, and then send the link to yourself(or to the group manager of the group you want to import). Have the group manager grant access to the import via the link.
After access is granted through the link, the group will appear in the list under "Departments and GroupsI → Import Group, where you click on the group to start the import.

The import process consists of three steps:

  1. Details

  2. Roles

  3. Summary


Here, you can specify the group's name, the department you want to place it in, who should be the contact person, etc. All these changes will also be reflected in the Spond app.


The club roles you have created will differ from the old group roles, so you need to specify how they correspond to each other. All group members who previously had roles will be assigned the new roles you select from the dropdown menu(s), and the old group roles will be removed from the group.

You can also choose to merge two or more old group roles by selecting the same club role in each of the dropdown menus.

We recommend doing some planning in advance when setting up club roles, so you can more easily reuse roles (such as Coach, Assistant, Team Leader, etc.) across different groups.


The summary allows you to take a final look at the member list, including who is a regular member and who has been assigned a role.

If you wish to make changes to the roles of specific members, it is perfectly safe to do so after you have imported the group and its associated members.

Frequently Asked Questions

I see the message "You have no groups" when I open the link for access to import.

It's likely that you don't have the necessary permissions. You can check your administrator role by going to the group's member list and clicking on your own name. To see which permissions this role includes, go to the group settings. You can find these by clicking on the three dots (...) within the group. If needed, you'll have to send an invitation to the person involved.

How to grant a group manager access to Import a Group?​

  1. Copy the link found just above the list of groups.

  2. Share or send the link to the relevant group owner. You can choose how to send the link, such as via email or another messaging system used by the club.

  3. The group owner opens the link and follows the on-screen instructions to grant you access to import one or more of the groups.

  4. You will receive a notification when a new group has been prepared for import, and the group will now be visible in the list as shown below.

I'm a group manager, but no groups are appearing for import.

Make sure you are logged into the correct user profile.
Go to "Me" in the app and check which email you are registered with. There may be a discrepancy between the email in the app and the one you are registered with in Spond Club. Add the email you use in the app under "Settings" and then under "Club Administrator" in club settings to gain access to your groups.

Will the members in the Spond app be affected when I import groups?

No, the members will not notice anything. The group members will not experience any changes when using the Spond app, but group administrators might notice changes in their permissions, depending on the new roles they have been assigned.

When I import Spond groups, will the old groups be deleted?

No, they will not be deleted; they are now linked to the club so you can see the members in the group. Group admins will continue to manage the groups as they did before.

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