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Payment details on recipient
Payment details on recipient
Updated over a week ago

When you click on a member in the recipient list within a payment request, you will be taken to a page that shows payment details for the selected member.


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  • Status: Shows the status of the payment, whether Paid, Unpaid, or Exempted.

  • Type: Shows the type of payment request chosen. You can read more about payment request types here.

  • Amount Paid: Shows how much a member has paid for the payment request.

  • Outstanding: Shows the outstanding amount the member has for the payment request.

  • First Due Date: Refers to the first date a payment request for the membership fee or another fee is due.

  • Payment Contact: Here you find the name and contact information of the person responsible for payments related to the member. This could be the member themselves, a guardian, or another person.

Active Claims

Here you get an overview of all payment claims/payment segments that have been sent to the member as part of the current payment request. You also see the product name, whether the various claims/segments are optional or not, price, any discounts, net price, payment status, and due date.

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By clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner of the "Active Claims" box, you will have options to generate an invoice and register a manual payment. You can read more about this in the article Generate Invoice and Manual Payment Registration. (UPDATE LINK)

You also have the option to click an "Edit" button. Clicking on it will bring up a new box that shows much of the same information you see under the Active Claims overview. However, if one or more of the claims/segments are unpaid, you will also be able to:

  • Change the payment type (UPDATE LINK)

  • Change the due date and price.

  • Exempt one or more of the unpaid claims/segments. You do this by unchecking the box ☑️ in the turquoise box → optionally write a comment in the comment field → click Save.

⚠️ NOTE! If one or more of the claims/segments are paid, they cannot be changed.

Unreceived Claims

These could be new claims that have arisen, which according to the segmentation would be applicable to the member but have not been sent. Or claims the member has been exempted from paying. You can add the member to one or more of these claims at any time.

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Here you have an overview of all payments made for the payment request. Under the heading "Payments," you will find several categories:

  • All Payments

  • Paid

  • Future Withdrawals

  • Failed Automatic Withdrawals

You can click on one of these categories to filter the view and only see payments with the selected status.

Clicking on one of the payments will take you to the payment page for the relevant payment. Here you will see information about:

  • Payment

  • Amount Paid

  • Transaction Fee

  • Net

  • Payment Date

  • Member

  • Who made the payment

  • Product:

    • Which member it concerns

    • Description of Product

    • Price

Refund Payment

When you are on a payment, go to a member in the recipients list that you want to refund and go down to the "Payments received" section on the member to choose the payment you want to refund. Then click the three dots in the upper right corner, and you will be able to refund the payment. A new window will open.

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You can now choose to refund:

  • The full amount: In practice, the clubs will miss out on the transaction costs of 2.99%, + 2 NOK per transaction.

  • The amount excluding fees: This excludes the transaction fee that was deducted from the original payment.

  • Partial refund: If you choose partial refund, a field will appear where you can enter an amount you wish to refund.

It is mandatory to enter a reason for the refund. Then click "Refund," and the refund will be processed.

⚠️ NOTE!

  • The money will be refunded to the same account that paid for the claim/payment segment. It takes about 5-10 business days for the refund to appear on the member's/payment contact's bank statement.

  • If you choose to refund without the transaction costs, we recommend informing the member/payment contact that they will not receive the transaction fee back in their terms.

  • Each club has an automatic credit limit of 10,000 NOK that they can use for refunds. The amount used for refunds will be deducted from the next payment the club receives. The reports will reflect this.

    When the credit limit of 10,000 NOK is used up, you must apply to increase the credit limit. Read more about how to do that here.

  • If the club has not received any payments within three months, Spond will send an invoice for the outstanding credit balance related to refunds.

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