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Parents and children on Spond
Parents and children on Spond
Updated over 6 months ago

Correct registration of children and guardians is crucial for the app to function optimally. In this article, you will find instructions on how to register as a guardian and how to correctly register your child—whether using a group code/link or through an invitation to a new group.

How to correctly register children and guardians using a group link or group code

It is important that you enter your information in your own profile, and only the child's information in the fields directly under the child. If the child does not have their own email or phone number, leave those fields blank for the child. Enter the guardian's contact information in the fields under the guardian for the child.

⚠️ NOTE: Joining a group via group link or group code only works on smartphone. If you only want to use a PC, you must receive a group invitation from an admin in the group.

How to register as a Guardian using group link or group code

  1. Select the group link that you can receive from an admin in the group

  2. Select "Download the app" and open in your app store

  3. Open the Spond app

  4. Select "Get started"

  5. Select "Join an existing group"

  6. Enter your phone number, email and password to create a profile

  7. Open your email and find the received email from [email protected] with the subject "Verify email"

  8. The code in the email must be entered in the app

  9. Under "Set up your account", enter your own name, not the childs name

  10. Under "Add profile picture" you should add a picture of you, not the child. You can skip this step if you wish.

  11. Enter your own date of birth, not the child's.

  12. Go to the "Groups" tab and enter the group code here

  13. Select "I am a parent"

  14. In this step, enter the child's name, date of birth and other fields about the child person.

  15. In this step, you can add more guardians and determine the visibility of your contact information

  16. (If you want the child to also use Spond themselves, you can add the child's contact information at the bottom here. This must match child's own email and phone number. In this case, the child must create their own profile)

  17. Select Done

  18. Your request to join the group has now been submitted and you must wait for a group admin to accept you. You'll receive a notification when you are approved.

How to register as a Member using a group link or group code

  1. Select the group link that you can receive from an admin in the group

  2. Select "Download the app" and open in your app store

  3. Open the Spond app

  4. Select "Get started"

  5. Select "Join an existing group"

  6. Enter your phone number, email and password to create a profile

  7. Open your email and find the received email from [email protected] with the subject "Verify email"

  8. The code in the email must be entered in the app

  9. Under "Set up your account", enter your own name

  10. Under "Add profile picture" you can add a profile picture of yourself. You can skip this step if you prefer.

  11. Enter your own date of birth.

  12. Go to the "Groups" tab and enter the group code here

  13. Select "I am a member"

  14. Fill in your own name and information

  15. If you are a child, you can add your guardians in the last step

  16. Select Done

  17. Your request to join the group has now been submitted and you must wait for a group admin to accept you. You'll receive a notification when you are approved.

How to correctly register children and guardians when invited to a group

It's important that the admin adds the child as a member and enters the parent's contact information in the fields for parents. The parent's email or phone number should never be entered directly on the child, but in the fields for this under "Guardian" for the child. If the child does not have their own email/phone number, these fields should be left blank for the child.

How to correctly register as a guardian when invited to a group

  1. If you have not yet created a profile, you will receive an email from [email protected] with the subject "Welcome to *group name* on Spond" — open this email and click on "Respond to group invitation"

  2. If you already have the app, open it and go to the Groups tab. Then you'll see a text at the top "You've been invited to *group name* "

  3. Check that the information on the page that opens is correct

  4. Select Accept

  5. You can now access the group and view its content by downloading the app or logging in to your profile here.

How do you add multiple children (siblings)?

It's no problem to have multiple children in the same group on Spond. A guardian can have an unlimited number of children in both the same group and different groups, where they can respond on behalf of all their children—from one single profile.

What's important here is that the children are added to the group without an email address and phone number; this information should only be filled in under Guardian.

The children must be added one by one as individual members of the group, and the same guardian can be set as the guardian for both/all children.

When children need their own Spond profile

When a child is old enough to respond to events, posts, etc., on their own, they can create their own profile.

It is very important that guardians do not add the child’s email or phone number to their own profile. Doing so will merge the profiles into one. The child must download the Spond app on their own phone and create a completely new profile from there.

The group administrator grants the child access to the group, either by adding the child’s contact information to the child’s member profile in the group list or by sharing the group code with the child. If the child’s information is added, the child will receive an invitation to the group, which they must accept to gain access. To add the child’s contact information, an administrator must go to the group’s member list and edit the relevant child’s profile.

How a child can access a group using the group code

  1. The child must download the app and create a new profile

  2. Go to the "Groups" tab in the app

  3. Select "Enter code" and enter the code given to you by the team leader/coach

  4. Select "I am a member"

  5. Fill in your own information and press Next

  6. Here you will see if there are any "Existing members". Tap on your own name if it appears there.

  7. Send enquiry

Frequently asked question

Why am I not receiving the verification email?

If you do not receive the confirmation email, you may want to check your junk mailbox/spam filter. Some email services register emails from Spond as advertising. If the email is not in your spam inbox, there may be a block in our email platform. In these cases, please contact our customer support.

Why does my child's name appear when I comment?

This is usually because you've entered your child's name in your own profile. Select your profile picture in the top corner to open to profile settings and enter your own name in your profile.

Why does my child's name appear as a parent in the group?

This is usually because you've entered your child's name in your own profile. Select your profile picture in the top corner to open to profile settings and enter your own name in your profile.

Where can I find the group code?

The admins in the group can give you the group code or share the group link with you. Contact the team leader or a coach in the group if you haven't received the code.

Getting a message that the member already exists when trying to register the second child?

This is because the parent's email and phone number have been added to both children. The system will then recognise them as the same person. To sort this out, the admin in the group must edit the child in the group's member list. The parent's contact info must be removed from the child, but remain under "Parent". Edit both children so that it's correct, then it should not be a problem to be a guardian for several children in the same group.

Can guardians still have access if the child starts using Spond on their own?

If the guardians are retained, both the child and the guardians will have access to the group and be able to respond on behalf of the child when invited to events and similar activities. The last response given will be the one that counts. If you remove the guardians, only the child will have access and be able to respond to invitations and messages.

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