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Updated over a week ago

Sign-ups provide you with an overview of both new and approved sign-ups. You can see which members have recently applied for membership and manage these requests. Additionally, you can keep track of the members who have already been approved, ensuring that your membership list is always up to date.

New Sign-ups

How to process new sign-ups

To approve members, go to "Members" and "Sign-ups" Here you will find an overview of all "New Sign-ups"

Use the filtering function to filter to the desired sign-up if needed.
By selecting all members, you can approve or reject all at once. You also have the option to review each member individually to approve, edit and approve, or reject the sign-up.

Editing and approval are usually necessary if the member has not chosen which group they wish to join.

In the overview, the different sign-ups may have different statuses:

  • Awaiting Approval: This means that the member has applied for membership in the club via the club's sign-up form and is now waiting for the club to process the new sign-up. As a club administrator, you have three options: approve the member immediately, reject the new sign-up, or send a payment request ("approve after payment"). In the latter case, the member will automatically be approved as a new club member and gain access to the Spond group as soon as they have completed the payment.

  • Waitlist: This registration is on a waitlist due to group or subgroup capacity. Others have signed up for the same group before this member. You can still approve this registration, but it will shift the sign-up for the member who is ahead in the queue.

  • Payment Expired: The agreed time to make or complete the payment has expired.

  • Payment Processing: This means that the member has received the payment request, and payment is pending. (It is not possible to send out a new request or reject the request).

  • Membership Renewals

    This alerts you to the number of members who have renewed their membership via the renewal function in Spond Club and are only waiting for approval.

Approved Sign-ups

How sign-ups are approved

Approved sign-ups provide an overview of members who have completed the sign-up process and have been formally registered in the club. Here you can see information such as name, member type, sign-up date, and any other relevant details related to each member's registration.

Import Sign-ups
Choose to use an Excel template or a pre-filled Excel sheet to import sign-ups from a desired sign-up form. By using a predefined Excel template, you ensure that all necessary fields are included and correctly formatted, making the import process simple and efficient. Alternatively, if you have a pre-filled Excel sheet that already contains all relevant information, you can use "Upload Completed File".

If there is an error in the form, an error message will give you an indication of what needs to be corrected.

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