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Deactivated members
Updated over a week ago

Deactivated members in Spond Club are members who have been temporarily removed from activities and communication within the group or club. This can be useful if a member, for example, takes a break, but you want to retain their information in the system for potential future reactivation.

Through the menu option "Members" and "Deactivated", you can find an overview of the club's deactivated members.

How to Deactivate a Member

To deactivate a member, go to the member's profile, click the "..." button in the top right corner, and then select "Deactivate" .The member will retain their previous membership type but will be moved from active members to the "Deactivated" list and will lose access to all groups. Alternatively, you can do this directly from the member list: select the members you wish to deactivate by checking the box in the left column, then a large red "Deactivate" button will appear at the top right.

How to Reactivate a Member

To find deactivated members, go through the menu option Members - Deactivated Members. Here, you will get an overview of all deactivated members. Find the member you want to reactivate. To reactivate a member, you can either click on the three dots in the top text box next to the member's name or use the "Reactivate Member" option.

Delete Member

In the "Deactivated Members" section, you have the option to permanently delete a member. You can do this by selecting the member's profile and then clicking "Delete Member Permanently".

If a member is permanently deleted, it will not be possible to retrieve them from this list, as all data will be deleted.

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