This is setup guide is for clubs where none of the teams or groups have previously been set up in the Spond App.
If any of your teams/groups use Spond already you can follow this guide instead.
Club Settings
Set up member fields (if you want to save any additional info on your members - we have basic info as default in the solution)
Set up member types (usually what you send membership fee based on. For example, if juniors pay less than senior they should be different membership types. Family membership is usually not necessary to have as an own membership type as you set up family membership/discount directly in the payment request. Spond consider everyone with the same payment contact as family so this happens automatically)- set up your sign up form and add the URL on your webpage or on another platform
Go through and edit group settings
Go through and edit roles for group admins
Departments and Groups
Create a group. We recommend one group per team/group. You can also create subgroups within a group.
To better understand how to manage your groups in Spond Club, you can check out this short explainer video.
Import members
Remember to add a group admin in each group (coach/ team manager)
The Excel template is adapted to your club so everything you have predefined in the club platform is already included in the excel sheet. Use the dropdown menu when adding values in the cells.
You should never add a guardian’s phone number or email for the member, that should only be added to the guardian. If a child doesn’t have their own phone number or email, these fields should be left empty.
Don’t delete/ change any of the columns, even if you don’t need them - you can just leave them empty.
Upload the excel template. Invitations will automatically be sent out to the members.
The members from the Excel template appear in the 'Unprocessed' tab so you can accept them as active members. It is important to treat duplicates one by one. Read more about it here.
Go back to Spond Club - Help Center Overview