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Invite to an event
Updated over 7 months ago

Invite members

You can invite members when you create the event. If you want to invite additional members later, it must be done one by one.

How to invite members after the event is created


  1. Open the event

  2. Select the icon in the top corner

  3. Select 'Members'

  4. Select the member you want to invite

  5. Invite


  1. Open the event

  2. Select 'Invite' on the menu bar

  3. Select 'Members'

  4. Select the member you want to invite

  5. Invite

Invite non-members

If you want to invite people to an event who are not members of the group without adding them as members, you can do so. Go to the event, press "Invite" and select "contact or email/phone number". When you add their information, they will receive an event invitation and can accept it.

If a member is invited to join an event in another group, their parents or carers won't be notified. This is because they are not members (and thus do not have guardians) in the group where they are attending. If guardians are also attending the event, they must also be invited.

Invite admins

The creator of the event will automatically be set as Participant, while any other invited admins will be given the opportunity to reply if they can take part.

You can also invite more people after the event has been created by selecting '# of # admins will take part' under the participant list (you can't invite them to be admins if they are not admins).

If you are an admin, but also want to answer whether you can take part as a participant as well, you can add yourself as a member of the group. You can do this by going to the members tab in the group and adding yourself with your name and the email/mobile number you are registered with in Spond. You can then go back to the event and invite yourself. You'll then be counted in both the participant and admin overview.

Invite guardians

If you want to invite guardians to parent meetings, volunteer activities, etc. you can create events for guardians in the same way as you create events for members. In the invitation list, select the guardians tab and choose all or selected guardians. The event will then only be visible to the invited guardians.

For example, if you've an end-of-season event and want to know if both parents and children can attend, you can also invite both members and parents to the event by selecting recipients from both tabs.

Invite new group members

When a new member is added to the group, you can choose to invite them to all upcoming events.

If the member has used a group code, you'll be given the option to add them to all existing events when you accept the group request.

If you invite the member manually by their contact details, first enter all the member's details and select Save. A new window will then pop up that allows you to add the member to all existing events.

If this is not done as soon as the member is added, the member must be invited to one event at a time. For recurring events, invitations can be made to all events in the series by selecting Invite -> This and all future events.

Frequently asked questions

Can I send out invitations more than 14 days before the event?

When you create individual events, you can send out the invitation as early as you want. If you create many events at the same time via the season planner, the maximum time is 14 days. BUT you can subsequently open each event individually and press "Send now" to send the invitation immediately. This can be done as many days in advance as you wish.

Why can't I be invited to all events in a recurring event?

Sometimes a recurring series can be broken if major changes are made or the person who created the event has left the group. In this case, you must invite individually to each event in the series.

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