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Member information
Updated over a week ago

This article provides an overview of the types of information you can view and manage for a member in Spond Club. Here is a summary of the key points:

Basic Information

When you open a member's profile, you will first see the basic information about the member. This includes name, date of birth, contact information, and membership status. This information gives you a quick overview of who the member is and their details. The 'Edit' feature on member information allows you to update and change the information on a member.

In addition to the basic information, you can also view custom fields that have been added for the club. These fields may include specific information such as allergies, medical needs, or other relevant details that the club needs to be aware of. This allows you to tailor member management to the specific needs of the club.

Groups and Subgroups

You will also be able to see which groups and subgroups the member belongs to. This includes both main groups and any subgroups they are associated with. This information helps club administrators keep track of the member's participation in various activities and teams. Through the 'Add to group' option, you can place the member in other groups within the club. This feature also shows which groups the member already belongs to.


For younger members, you will also find information about guardians or payment contacts. This is useful for communication and billing, ensuring you always know who to contact when information or payments are needed.

Payment Requests

Here, the payment requests the member has received and their status are displayed. You can see which payments have been sent to the member, which have been paid, and which have not been paid. The details include the name of the request and the various statuses, such as 'Exempt,' 'Paid,' and 'Unpaid.'

Forms (Courses and Registrations)

The member's participation in courses and event registrations will also be available in their profile. This provides an overview of the member's activities within the club, as well as a history of past courses and events they have participated in. Here, you can also see the amount paid and any outstanding balance.

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