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Members from NIF
Updated over 6 months ago

🇳🇴: This article is only relevant for norwegian Spond Club sports clubs

When you have completed the NIF integration, you will find members that NIF believes belong to your club under "Members" "Members from NIF". These are members who are currently registered with NIF as members of your club.

Processing members in this list is usually a one-time task that requires some effort, but once you have gone through this list after the integration is complete, you should not see any more members appear here—because all memberships and cancellations will occur via Spond Club after the integration is complete.

Why is it important to process "Members from NIF"?

The Norwegian Sports Federation (NIF) registers members in all sports organizations in Norway. A club is obligated to report who its members are and which sports branch (NIF branch) they are associated with. This allows the state to allocate funds to clubs and sports associations per member, which is important for the club's finances, as well as for member management, licenses, and insurance for members under 12 years old.

Processing members under the "Members from NIF" tab is important. There are often many duplicates here if you have imported groups or members from the app or manually. These duplicates will likely also appear under "Send to NIF." If you merge duplicates here, there will be fewer members to submit to NIF under "Send to NIF" (these will likely be listed as "Invalid response" and cannot be submitted under "Send to NIF" because NIF already has them registered).

Therefore, it is recommended to always process the members in this list and keep it up to date. This will minimize issues with submissions, double payments, double group memberships, etc. Going through "Members from NIF" first can save you a lot of work overall.

How to process "Members from NIF"?

  1. Go to the menu item "Members from NIF"

  2. Choose which members you want to process first:

    1. You have no members imported yet. So you can just start from the top.

    2. You already have members in Spond Club, and there are many duplicates. It might be a good idea to start with the duplicates (i.e., those already listed as members in Spond).

      1. Click "View Duplicates" and review each of them. You will need to specify the member type, payment contact, and whether they should be added to a group when you review the member.

      2. If you click on "Review" you can choose between approve, deactivate, and "view duplicate and merge"

Approve, Deactivate, and Merge


If there is no duplicate alert and you believe the member belongs to the club, you can approve them by clicking "Approve". When you approve the member, they will be added as a member of the club, and they will receive an invitation to the Spond group if you add them to a group.

Deactivate (Withdrawal from NIF)

If you come across people the club does not know or who should no longer be members, you can deactivate them. They will then be withdrawn from NIF and notified of this.

When a member is deactivated, it is the same as withdrawing the member from NIF, and they will automatically be removed from your club in NIF's membership register. So do not do this unless you are sure they are no longer part of the club.

Members who are not added to a group will not receive a Spond invitation, so you can create a separate member type for members you are unsure about deactivating and keep them after you have approved them under "Members from NIF".

View Duplicate and Merge

When duplicates exist, you should resolve them before accepting the member. You can either open two tabs or view them side by side.

Duplicates should be merged, not deleted. If you delete one of the duplicate profiles, the group will lose all history associated with that person, but if they are merged, the history will be retained. If you do not merge duplicates but delete one, you risk deleting the profile the member uses in Spond, thereby removing the member from the group.

Be cautious with duplicates, you cannot reverse a merge of members.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I merge duplicates for a person with two NIF IDs?

If a person has two different NIF IDs, you need to contact Spond Support to merge them. We will contact NIF on behalf of the club. Contact us via the chat in the bottom right corner when you are logged into Spond Club. For quicker processing, provide the member's name, both NIF IDs registered to the member, and their date of birth when you contact us.

Why is a person suggested as a duplicate with another person?

Sometimes a person is suggested as a duplicate with another person (e.g., siblings/guardians).

There can be various reasons for this:

  • They are twins and have the same data in most fields except for the first name.

  • If both are registered with the guardian's email in NIF, the system may think they are the same person. They should not be, and you can approve the individual as a separate member.

  • If the guardian's email is in the child's email field and the guardian is a separate member in the system, the system may think they are the same person. Children should never have the guardian's email. Parents must be added as guardians to the child, and the child's email field should be empty until they use Spond themselves and have their own email.

Why is a duplicate not suggested for profiles that are the same person?

f the duplicates do not have the same data listed, they may not be suggested as duplicates.

If one has both the middle name and surname in the Surname field and the other only has the surname, the system (or NIF) will not recognize the person. (Only one surname should be in the surname field; hyphenated names are considered one surname).

A person with a name or birthdate written differently will also not be automatically recognized.

If you change this, the person will usually appear as a duplicate. Remember, it is always better to merge than to deactivate one of them. Otherwise, you risk deactivating the person's active profile.

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