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Error messages when sending to NIF
Updated over 2 months ago

🇳🇴: This article is only relevant for norwegian Spond Club sports clubs

In this article, you will find the most common error messages that appear during submissions to NIF - and how to resolve them.

Submission Statuses

  • Not Submitted: Club admins must manually submit members. All members with a membership type synchronized with NIF will appear here.

  • Pending Approval: Verification has been sent to the member and is awaiting approval within 24 hours.

  • Verification Link Expired: After 24 hours, the club admin must resubmit the member. If all members are submitted from the submission list, they are automatically sent to the payment contact.

  • Submission Failed: When this occurs, carefully read the error message to understand why the submission failed.

Common Error Messages in Spond Club When Submissions Fail

Hovering over the "(?)" symbol in "Submission Failed" often provides a small hint as to why the submission failed.

Invalid Response

"Det oppstod en feil da medlemmet skulle sendes til NIF Mottok følgende melding fra NIF: Invalid response. Contact Spond support. Du kan forsøke å sende inn medlemmet til NIF på nytt."

Bilde av feilmeldingen "Det oppstod en feil da medlemmet skulle sendes til NIF Mottok følgende melding fra NIF: Invalid response. Contact Spond support. Du kan forsøke å sende inn medlemmet til NIF på nytt."

Likely, there is a duplicate of the member in Spond Club who already has a NIF ID. Check under "Members from NIF" and "Deactivated Members" if they’re not found under "Active Members." When you locate the duplicate, merge the records so there’s only one member entry with a NIF ID. This will remove the member from the submission list. If you cannot find the member with a NIF ID anywhere, contact Spond support via the chat in the bottom-right corner when logged into Spond Club.

Email, MobilePhone, and CountryCode

"Det oppstod en feil da medlemmet skulle sendes til NIF

Mottok følgende melding fra NIF: Email, MobilePhone and CountryCode must be supplied. (1010). Du kan forsøke å sende inn medlemmet til NIF på nytt."

This error means a phone number or email is missing. Retry submission directly from the member's profile, not from the list.Ensure the submission is sent to the member, not the default payment contact (used when submitting multiple members).

Invalid Postcode

"Det oppstod en feil da medlemmet skulle sendes til NIF

Mottok følgende melding fra NIF: Invalid Postcode. (1033). Du kan forsøke å sende inn medlemmet til NIF på nytt."

This error typically indicates an issue with the postcode field in the member's profile. Common mistakes include entering the city name in the postcode field or swapping the postcode and city fields. The postcode field should contain only a four-digit number. Enter the city name in the corresponding field.

Verification Link Expired

"NIF har sendt en verifikasjonslenken på SMS eller e-post til medlemmet, men vedkommende har ikke svart på denne. Lenken har utløpt etter 24 timer og du må sende inn medlemmet på nytt for å sette igang en ny verifiseringsprosess."

This issue may be caused by:

  1. The member didn’t complete verification within the deadline.

  2. The member didn’t receive the link due to mismatched email addresses between Spond Club and This often occurs if the member already has a profile in MinIdrett with a different email address. The member should log in to their MinIdrett profile and update their primary email address. Once updated, resubmit the member. They should then receive the link via email. Club admins can view the email address last used for verification. If it doesn’t match the one in Spond Club, ask the member/guardian to update it in

Common Member Errors During Verification

Link Expired

When the club submits a member to NIF, the verification link sent via email is valid for 24 hours. If less than 24 hours have passed since the last attempt, the member may be using an old link. Ask them to open the most recent email.

Mismatched Information

If there’s a mismatch between the submitted information and the personal identification number, contact the sports club to correct the information in the membership register and request a new verification link.This usually occurs if there are discrepancies between the club's records and the member’s Minidrett profile (e.g., old address or incorrect birthdate). Members should log in to Minidrett to verify and update their details. Once corrected, request a new link for verification.

Customer Already Verified with Buypass, but Not in Database

This is a system error that support must address. Members/guardians can contact support via the app by clicking their profile picture in the top corner and navigating to the Help Center.

Frequently Asked Questions

We Get an "Invalid Response" Error, But Can't Find Any Duplicates

Check for possible duplicates in these places:

  • Deactivated Members

  • Members from NIF

  • Search by the member's last name under Active Members—it may be that the member has been mistakenly linked with another family member. In that case, Spond support can unlink them—contact support if needed.

Members/Guardians Are Not Responding to the Verification

It is recommended to contact the member directly if they have not completed the verification before the link expires after 24 hours. You can easily send messages directly to those who have not responded to the verification. Under Members -> Submission to NIF, you can filter if desired, and then send a message directly to those who need to verify.

How to Register a Member with a Confidential Address?

If this person is validated against the National Registry and has a code indicating a restricted address, this will not appear in KlubbAdmin, nor in external systems if they have validated data. Some choose, to be entirely sure—especially if they do not want the real name visible—that the person/guardian creates a user for them in MinIdrett but selects the option "I don't have a National ID or D-number" and then registers without a check against the National Registry, but only with the chosen name, address, and date of birth. However, it is very useful to use the correct gender and date of birth (at least the year) so that there is no confusion with the sports classes.

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