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Coordinated Reporting to NIF
Updated over 6 months ago

🇳🇴: This article is only relevant for norwegian Spond Club sports clubs

Coordinated Reporting

Coordinated reporting to NIF for the 2024 sports year opens on April 1, 2025. Feel free to visit NIF's information portal on reporting for more details and news from them. If you are new to reporting, you might want to check out NIF's webinar on reporting from last year.

When Coordinated Reporting opens, the club can log in to NIF to view the membership numbers reported for the previous year. If the club switched to Spond Club during the past year, you will see numbers reported both from Spond Club and the other membership system.

If you believe there are discrepancies, you have the option to document this by using the report from Spond Club under "Submission to NIF" (and possibly reports/printouts from another membership system if the club switched to Spond Club last year).

How Can the Club Prepare in Spond Club?

Below, we will outline what the club should specifically do to get the best possible outcome from the reporting for the sports year being reported.

The more you have in place before coordinated reporting opens on April 1, the more accurate your reporting will be.

💡 Worth remembering!
Members who have paid the membership fee for the calendar year being reported will count as members for the entire year, even if they are deregistered during the year. For active members, the NIF Branch will be continuously registered with NIF.

To get your club's report in Spond Club, go to:
"Members""Send to NIF" and Download the basis for coordinated reporting [YYYY].

Things the Club Needs to Manage:

Submission of Members to NIF
"Members""Send to NIF". If the club has many members who haven't been submitted, you need to resolve this as soon as possible. Remember that there are two tabs: Those who are "Waiting for Submission" and those who are "Missing Information."

Members exempt from fees will not be counted as members by NIF.
If someone is exempted by mistake, you can remove the exemption so they can pay. If they pay by March 31, they will count. Note: The number that NIF reports when coordinated reporting opens is based on payments made by December 31, but you can manually adjust this if your member pays before March 31.

Check payment requests with membership fees and training fees
By reviewing the payment requests that applied to the membership fee or training fees for the year, you can check the status of payments.

Are there many who should have received the membership fee request but haven’t been sent one yet?
Send them out now, even if it is for the next calendar year.

Are there many who haven’t paid?
Send reminders, even if the deadline has passed. They must use the original payment request where the payment is NIF-registered for the previous year. If members pay the fee before March 31, they will count. Members who have been submitted but haven’t paid are not counted as members. One thing you can do to resend the payment is to exempt them and then remove the exemption again; this will send a new notification and email. This must be done member by member.

When You Have Extracted the Report from Spond Club

On the front page of the report, you will see an overview based on the total number of members (active and others), as well as a breakdown by branches.

  • If the numbers don’t match, you need to go to the second tab in the file and check that gender and age are registered for everyone, and if necessary, go through and update it.

  • The branch is based on who has the branch at the time the report is generated.

Spond Club did not save branches throughout the year before January 2024. So those who had a branch during 2023 and then left the branch before reporting will not be included in this report with that branch. This also applies to deactivated members. If the member was submitted to NIF, the branch will still be updated with NIF. For the 2024 sports year, branches will be reflected throughout the year in the basis in Spond Club for coordinated reporting in 2025.

When Something Doesn’t Seem Right

Nothing appears in the basis under Submission to NIF

Reasons for missing payments or branches could be:

  • The payment request is not set up as a NIF membership fee. Contact the Spond Support Team for assistance with this.

  • NIF branches are not set on all groups, so many are missing branches. Go to "Departments and Groups", review the groups, and select a branch for those with active members. When this is done, contact Spond Support so this can be synchronized manually with NIF.

  • The member type is not set to sync with NIF. Go to "Club Settings""Member Types" and check the box for whether the member type should sync. Those with this member type will then appear under Submission to NIF and can be submitted.

There is a significant difference between the number of members who should have received a membership fee request and those recorded with NI

Reasons why this number might be lower or higher than expected could include:

Members are exempted; they will not count with NIF. The minimum rate is 50 NOK per member.

  • There are many who are ready to be added to the payment request for the membership fee, but it hasn’t been sent to them yet. As long as they are sent out and paid before April 1, they will be recorded, so it’s not too late to send them out/pay.

  • The payment request is not set up with NIF reporting, and therefore the payments are not reported. This requires technical assistance from Spond.

  • The club has not sent out a payment request with a membership fee in Spond Club for the year being reported.

  • The club started using Spond in the middle of the year being reported, and some requests were sent out via another system. The numbers from the other system will not be shown in Spond Club.

  • The club has just been integrated with NIF, and everything for the year being reported was reported in another system.

Sources of Errors and Troubleshooting

During member management, situations may arise where you cannot perform the desired action.

Some typical errors when submitting to NIF include:

  • The child is registered with the parent’s contact information or is listed as the guardian of themselves.

  • There are more than one last name in the last name field (In the National Registry, only one last name is allowed. Hyphenated last names are considered one last name). Middle names should be in the first name field.

  • Members and guardians do not approve the membership. Unfortunately, you must keep reminding them to do so.

  • Error messages are not read properly, so the club administrator does not understand what is wrong.

  • A lot of the information required by NIF is missing, and the member is not ready for submission. If you do not have an email for the member or guardian, you must contact them manually about this.

    We have compiled important and general information about the NIF integration in a separate guide.

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