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Spond Club: How to manage your Club settings

How to manage your settings in Spond's club management solution - Spond Club

Spond Support avatar
Written by Spond Support
Updated over a week ago

The setting section in Spond Club has a number of sections:

Your Club

  • Here you can see and change the club names, logos and access control for club administrators


  • Add and Check club accounts and see group payments from the app.


  • See and change everything that applies to your members and what fields are available.

Member types

  • You may want to set up member types based on what price they have on the membership fee. Regardless of how many groups a member is in, they only have one membership in the club - ie type of member. Some suggestions for member types can be child member and adult member. You can also create member types for honorary member and support member - who are not in their own Spond groups. The type of member does not affect what each individual can do in the Spond app.

Member fields

  • The following membership fields already exist by default:

    • Name

    • Address

    • Email

    • Phone

    • Date of birth

    • Member type

    • Enrollment date

    • Gender

    • Parent/ Guardian

  • You can add as many custom membership fields as you need. You can also set who can see and edit the different fields.

NOTE: 00 isn't officially a number, as nothing is lower than 0. So all numbers starting with 00 should be added to a text field, not a number field. If you use a number field, it will automatically change to '0' when you save.

NOTE: If you want the fields to be mandatory for Spond app registrations as well as in the sign up form, you can tick off for this on each fields.

Signup form

The signup form is now moved to the main menu under Forms.

Departments and Groups

  • Control who can see or edit aspects of groups, depending on their role in the group.


  • Manage your club's security settings

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