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Active members
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Active members

If you navigate to MembersActive Members in the side menu, you will be taken to a page that provides an overview of all active club members with an approved membership.

  • Columns and Filters
    In 'Active Members' you can sort the active members using columns and filters. Read more about how filtering and columns work here.

  • Importing and Adding New Members
    At the top right of the page, you will find two buttons that allow you to add a new member or import new members to your club. Read more here about how this is done.

  • Member Information
    Clicking on a member's name will take you to the member's profile/overview. Read more here about the information available on the member overview.

  • Duplicates
    ​If there are multiple members with the same information, you will receive a notification about this and be prompted to review the duplicates.

    You will then be able to display only duplicates. Read more about member duplicates here.

Action Menu

If you select one or more members, an action menu will appear, allowing you to perform various actions.
💡 Tip: You can sort members using columns and filters, or use the search field at the top right above the member list to find specific members. Read more about how filtering and columns work here.

  • To select one or more members, place the cursor to the left of the members’ names. A checkbox will then appear, click the box to select the member.

  • You can also select all members in the list at once. To do this, click the checkbox to the left of “First Name” in the column overview.

  • Once you have checked the checkbox, a menu will appear above the column overview with the following options:

    • Send message

    • Edit

    • Add to group

    • Remove from group

    • Merge

    • Export

    • Deactivate

⚠️ NOTE! If you select all members at once or more than two, the “Merge” option will be greyed out and unavailable, as it is only possible to merge two members at a time.

Send Message

This option allows you to send a message to the member or multiple members, the member and their guardians, only the guardians, or the members’ payment contact.

Read more about messages in Spond Club here.


This option allows you to edit the information of one or more members in a single view.

Click here for more information about the editing page

When you click the “Edit” button, you will be taken to a new page displaying a table with the member or members you selected in the previous step.

You can click in the boxes you want to edit and enter the changes, such as a phone number.

For options such as membership type or nationality, a dropdown menu will appear when you triple-click in the box.

⚠️ NOTE!


  • Modified cells are highlighted in green.

  • Cells with errors are highlighted in red.

    • Errors in red cells must be corrected before changes can be saved.

  • Payment contacts and guardians cannot be changed via bulk editing.


  • It is not possible to select multiple members at once to change details such as nationality or similar information for all members simultaneously.

  • Workaround: You can use copy and paste to, for example, apply the same membership type or nationality to multiple members at once:

    • Windows: Copy a cell in Bulk Edit (Ctrl + C), then paste it into another cell or an entire range (Ctrl + V)

    • Mac: Copy a cell in Bulk Edit (Cmd + C), then paste it into another cell or an entire range (Cmd + V)

When you have completed your changes, click “Save” in the bottom right corner. If there are any errors in the input, a warning message will appear, and the errors must be corrected before the changes can be saved.

Add to Group

This option allows you to add one or more members to a group at the same time. When you click the “Add to Group” button, a window will open where you can select the desired group from a dropdown menu.

Then, select the type of group membership the person(s) should have in the group:

  • Group Member

  • Group Administrator

  • Group Administrator and Member

You can also select any applicable subgroups.

When you are finished, click “Save” in the bottom right corner of the box.

Remove from Group

This option allows you to remove one or more members from a group at the same time. When you click the “Remove from Group” button, a window will open where you can select the desired group from a dropdown menu.

⚠️ NOTE! When removing members from a group, you can only select one group at a time. If you wish to remove the member(s) from multiple groups, you will need to repeat the process for each group individually.


This option allows you to merge duplicate members. If the selected members are the same person, you can merge them. Group memberships and roles will be retained. Fields with conflicting values will be highlighted in red, click on the value you wish to keep.

⚠️ NOTE!

If you have multiple duplicates, you must merge them in pairs over several rounds.


This option allows you to export one, multiple, or all members to an .xlsx file.

  • To select one or more members, place the cursor to the left of the member’s name. A checkbox will appear, click it to select the member.

  • You can also select all members in the list at once by clicking the checkbox to the left of “First Name” in the column header.

Once you have selected one, multiple, or all members, click the “Export” button, and an .xlsx file will automatically be downloaded to your computer.

You can also import members using our Excel template. Click here for more information on importing members.


This option allows you to deactivate one or multiple members at the same time.

⚠️ NOTE!

  • Selected members will be removed from the club

  • Any outstanding payments will remain active and can still be paid

  • Selected members will be moved to the “Deactivated” section

Learn more about deactivated members here.

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